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Working with the program

Launch the program from the panel

After launching the

Main program window

The top line of the window is called

The main program window consists of:

Main Menu Bar

Below the title bar of the window


Open file [F6] - Open the file for viewing.
Select folder [F7] - Select a folder.
Destroy file [F8] - Destroy files and folders.
Select all [Ctrl-A] - Select the entire list.
Remove selection [[Ctrl-S] - Remove selection from the list.
Invert [[Ctrl-Z] - Invert selection.
Exit [F10] - The release of their program.


Encrypt file [F2] - Encrypt files.
Decrypt file [F3] - Decrypt files.
Encrypt buffer [F4] - Encrypt clipboard.
Decrypt buffer [F5] - Decrypt clipboard.


Encryption [F9] - Select encryption options.
Program language - Select the program interface language.

Reference [F1] - the command opens the help window of the
Internet - the command opens the program’s home page on the Internet.
Registration - the command calls the program registration window.
About the program - the command opens a window showing brief information about the program and the author.

Menu Bar

Below the main menu bar

The menu bar contains the following

Catalog selection panel

Below the menu bar there is a directory selection panel.

List panel

Below the directory selection panel there is a table listing files and directories.

Files and directories list table





Status bar

The bottom line of the window is called

The width of the columns can be changed.

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