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List of family members

Genealogical information

To enter and store data about


To enter information about a family member

Place the cursor with the mouse or

Place the cursor on a cell

If the person is no longer there,

Place the cursor on a cell

Place the cursor on a cell

Place the cursor on a cell

For further searches and

Place the cursor on a cell

Place the cursor on a cell

To enter the full name of your wife or husband

If you need to add several people to this list,

Place the cursor on the “Biography Panel” window and

The biography is filled in

The biography file is stored in

Using elements

Upon completion of the test entry,

To add a photo to the

To add to a column cell

Data entry via

You can also use a special form to enter data.

The date entry format can be changed using the switches

To add to a column cell

If the exact date of birth (Death)

If date of birth (Death)

To add the full name of the husband or wife to the list, use

  • Add a person to the list
  • Remove a person from the list
  • Move a person up the list
  • Move person down the list

Saving data

When entering data into a table

Deleting data

If for some reason the line


To sort data into


To add a photo to


To search data in a table


All program data and forms

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