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Family tree

The basis of genealogical

At the basis of genealogical

In the most general form, pedigrees

Click on the menu bar
The program draws three views
1. Ascending universal
2. Descending common tree by male
3. Descending personal

The choice of tree type is carried out

Before building the tree, the program checks the correctness and completeness of the entered data:

General family tree:

Rising Universal

Medallions with men's names

General family tree by

Descending general

In the center is a tree trunk.

Personal descending genealogical branch:

In order to draw

In this kind of tree there is a husband and wife

Tree of nationalities:

In order to draw a tree of nationalities,

To change the scale of the tree image,

To view full information

To quickly go to the list, double-click

The family tree can be

General family tree:

Rising Universal

Medallions with men's names

General family tree by

Descending general

Personal downward

In order to draw

Tree of nationalities:

In order to draw a tree of nationalities,

When is it already collected?

Ascending and descending

Mixed-descending pedigrees are those that

A mixed-ascending pedigree is called a pedigree

Mixed pedigrees, not only

Thus, there are
1) ascending-masculine, in which
2) ascending-masculine indicating not
3) descending-masculine is
4) descending-mixed: In this

Drawing up a pedigree is the result of genealogical

Saving data

To save the family tree in

Print data

To print the family tree, click

To return to the list of family members, click on the first

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