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Copyright (c) 1991 by Konjuhov D. (Sverdlovsk, USSR)
All right reserved.

CIPHER Version 2.0

Dmitry Konyukhov

The CIPHER.COM program allows you to encrypt and decrypt
any files using built-in disk management tools and
To start the program you need to run the file CIPHER.COM
and enter your password (in the only purchased program - four-
Press the
A picture of the “Encoder” appears on the screen.
Find the file you want to encrypt or decrypt
(monitor the current operating mode) and press the key - ' ─┘'.
If you wish, you can change the CIPHER login password and
encryption/decryption keys.
Exit the program - 'Esc' key
Note: when using the key - M, the program remains
is remembered by the resident.
key combination and enter your password.
Example: cipher/m

CIPHER control keys

: Move to the beginning of the directory
: Move to the end of the directory
PgUp : Previous page
PgDn : Next page
Home : To the beginning of the catalog
End : To the end of the directory
─┘ : Change directory or start
file encryption/decryption
F1 : Encryption/Decryption
F2: Disk drive
F3 : Search Pattern
F4: View file
F5 : Sort directory
F7 : Encrypt/Decrypt all files in a directory
F9: CIPHER setup
F1 : Change password
F2 : Hang out Encryption/Decryption keys
ESC : Exit

The security of the encryption is as strong as if monkeys would
immediately print the Great Encyclopedia.

The program was developed using the Micro-compiler
soft (R) Macro Assembler Version 4.0 and operates in the environment
MS DOS version 3.10 and higher.

The size of the UNINFECTED file is 22245.
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