App - My Boards - MyBoards
Program description
I needed to advertise on bulletin boards and newspapers
When I manually post ads, I receive confirmation from the moderator by email,
But manual placement is still tedious.
That's why I wrote my own program.
- MyBoards - Version 4.0 Build 02082012 -

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The program is designed for semi-automatic registration in catalogs and placement of advertisements on electronic boards and newspapers.
Program functions:
creation of a website database;
semi-automatic placement of information;
maintaining a database of posted information, with the date of submission and expiration date;
adding new sites and setting up automatic filling of form fields.
Read the user manual and you will understand how to work with the program.
The demo version of the program contains 14 customized bulletin boards for automatic and semi-automatic posting of advertisements.
Let me remind you: fully automatic sending of advertisements is possible only to sites that do not have SPAM protection!
Database of boards and catalogs
Dear users of the program, here (and not only here) you can put up for sale your lists of customized bulletin boards and thematic catalogs for SALE!
Buy the program
If you like the program, register.
Program price:
1 license - 590.00 rubles
from 2 to 4 licenses - 540 rubles
from 5 to 9 licenses - 490 rubles
from 10 or more licenses - 440 rubles (CD with the program as a gift)
In the unregistered version of the program, you can only work with 15 records.
What effect does sending advertisements have?
The answer to this question covers 2 areas: direct sales and additional promotion of the company’s website using mass mailing of free advertisements.
A surge in calls from potential clients who found your ad directly on the bulletin board or through a search engine.
Increasing the link mass to your website, containing your key queries in the link texts.
Studies have been conducted on the effectiveness of sending out advertisements, based on which it can be argued that sending out announcements causes a short-term surge in site visits and customer calls.
Bulletin boards work on the principle of free classified newspapers.