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Posting an ad

Semi-automatic ad placement

Open the - load a bulletin board from the Internet into your browser.

As a rule, most boards require you to enter a login and password. - Fill out the ad fields.

In the browser, click the

To fill out the ad template, click - Fill out the ad fields.

Attention: Only those boards in which the fields “TITLE”, “ANNOUNCEMENT”, etc. are entered are automatically filled in.

The program will fill in the fields of the bulletin board in accordance with the settings.

Fill in the empty fields and click the

Open the

Automatic placement of advertisements

To batch process message boards, click the button in the menu bar .

Note. The bulletin board allows you to automatically add announcements to it if

Batch processing can be interrupted at any time using the

If for any reason the processing process stops on some board,

After processing the board, the program will add an entry to the

And after processing all the boards or after interrupting processing, the program will show a report on the work.

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