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List and meaning of names for Android

List and meaning of names for Android

List and meaning of names (8974 names). History of origin. Name, gender, nationality, translation, pronunciation, meaning, history, name day, zodiac, planet, color, radiation, vibration, stone, plant, animal, functions, type, character, destiny, mindset, intuition, intellect, morals, health , sexuality, marriage, hobbies, action, contact, business, etymology, celebrities.


List and meaning of names for iOS

List and meaning of names for iOS

List and meaning of names (8974 names). History of origin. Name, gender, nationality, translation, pronunciation, meaning, history, name day, zodiac, planet, color, radiation, vibration, stone, plant, animal, functions, type, character, destiny, mindset, intuition, intellect, morals, health , sexuality, marriage, hobbies, action, contact, business, etymology, celebrities.


List and meaning of names for Windows 10

List and meaning of names for Windows 10

List and meaning of names (8974 names). History of origin. Name, gender, nationality, translation, pronunciation, meaning, history, name day, zodiac, planet, color, radiation, vibration, stone, plant, animal, functions, type, character, destiny, mindset, intuition, intellect, morals, health , sexuality, marriage, hobbies, action, contact, business, etymology, celebrities.
