External combustion engine #shorts
The external combustion engine is assembled from a refrigerator compressor with a crank-and-backstage design of the piston system. The video works like a pneumatic engine. To increase the pressure in the system used a heating spiral from the gas burner, and for intermediate cooling the spiral is cooled by a water spray. DNS engine website: http://dnsmotor.ru
В этом году много разной живности приходит в сад: зайцы, белки, ёжики и пр. И не редко встречаются эти товарищи на дорогах. Водители будьте внимательны, пропускайте братьев наших меньших.
Пневматический паровой двигатель из компрессора холодильника с кривошипно-кулисной системой #shorts
Pneumatic steam engine from refrigerator compressor with crank-rocker system #shorts Дубль I - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMpIerMuxg Дубль II - https://www.youtube.com/shorts/GcUNlz04g3A Дубль III - https://www.youtube.com/shorts/cpXthJvsSfc https://dnsmotor.ru/ - External combustion engine (ECE) https://myprg.ru/ - My app programs https://www.familytree.ru - The Family Tree of Family https://www.animaltree.ru - Pedigree of the Animal https://libinfo.org - Historical Information Library
Паровой (пневматический) двигатель с управлением газораспределением поршнем и шатуном #shorts
Steam (pneumatic) engine with gas distribution control by piston and connecting rod #shorts Дубль I - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMpIerMuxg Дубль II - https://www.youtube.com/shorts/GcUNlz04g3A Дубль III - https://www.youtube.com/shorts/cpXthJvsSfc https://dnsmotor.ru/ - External combustion engine (ECE) https://myprg.ru/ - My app programs https://www.familytree.ru - The Family Tree of Family https://www.animaltree.ru - Pedigree of the Animal https://libinfo.org - Historical Information
Пневматический (паровой) двигатель с системой газораспределения управляемой поршнем #shorts
Pneumatic (steam) engine with a gas distribution system controlled by a piston #shorts Дубль I - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMpIerMuxg Дубль II - https://www.youtube.com/shorts/GcUNlz04g3A Дубль III - https://www.youtube.com/shorts/cpXthJvsSfc https://dnsmotor.ru/ - External combustion engine (ECE) https://myprg.ru/ - My app programs https://www.familytree.ru - The Family Tree of Family https://www.animaltree.ru - Pedigree of the Animal https://libinfo.org - Historical Information Libra